A Star is born

The first project to complete as part of the C++ Nanodegree from Udacity is an OpenStreetMap Route Planner. Currently, I am at the point of implementing the A* algorithm in a trial program. For about a week now, I have been mentally skipping over the A* search algorithm and just relying on the information provided.... Continue Reading →

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Distance again….

As part of the C++ Nanodegree, one of the projects is to build a route planner using OpenStreetMap. To get to the point of being able to build it, the class covers several different topics. Right now, I am learning about A* search. One of the functions I had to write was a Heuristic function... Continue Reading →

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A C++ Upgrade

Python is my favorite language, but a close second is C++. My first experience with C++ was in Winter of 2018, when I took a class during the Santa Monica College January intersession, where a semester of C++ was wedged into six weeks. It was a fast paced class with exams each week and multiple... Continue Reading →

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All That’s New is Old

In my C++ nanodegree program there is a tutorial on Cmake, including how to create a build list/ CMakeList.txt file. As I am writing the build list, all I can think of this that this is strikingly similar to a Docker compose file.... but it is also similar to a recipe (the baker in me... Continue Reading →

An orderly zoo…

Classwork... Today I did several more lessons in my class (Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform) along with lab #2. In essence, there was a dataset in a text file with information about animals that included type, name, breed, age and more. The goal was to group the data such that... Continue Reading →

Yellow Elephants

Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Today I finished my first class in the Data Engineering on the Google Cloud Platform Specialization, “Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals.” The first task of the day was Lab #6, “Carry out Machine Learning with TensorFlow v1.3”, and then a quiz. Frankly,... Continue Reading →


Okay, so Vegas and Defcon is a combination is new to me - but it turned out to be a great one! The thing that surprised me the most is that Defcon is destructive -- unlike most of the tech conferences I have been to this year where the focus was on building things --... Continue Reading →

Fall preparation

I am taking two Udacity classes right now, in preparation for my fall classes at school. One of the classes is a review of C++ for programmers. While much of the material so far is a review of things that I already know, having a different instructor means that I am learning tips and tricks... Continue Reading →

Up, Up and Away … GCP style

Today I wanted to use the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), since I have been spending so much time on AWS recently. I decided to build a very small web app with my go to stack: Python, Flask, Jinja, HTML, CSS and nothing else. I realized that I have not used Flask or Jinja in a... Continue Reading →

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