9 (and counting…)

Birthdays Today I attended the birthday party of one of my cousins who is turning nine. The party was at a bowling alley. I got to bowl (with the bumpers up to prevent gutter balls, just like the kids), have pizza and ice cream cake, and there were even video games. Most importantly, I spent... Continue Reading →

Bots and Project

  Newest Bot Well, today is a fullstack day! I want to build another bot in part to help me review and in part because I love bots. This is an IRC (Internet Chat Relay) bot, which should also provide me with more experience in the actual inter-workings of the internet, beyond the lecture or... Continue Reading →


    Jellyfish are alluring. I swam near jellyfish at La Jolla Cove and I am mesmerized when I see them at aquariums. Jellyfish are intricate and delicate and yet, some of them can pack a deadly poison. Kind of a recurring theme from my day. Git Branching Today's lecture was about git branching. While it is not something... Continue Reading →

Keep on Running

There is this old song by the group Journey entitled "Keep On Running" and it really sums up how I feel right about now! I used to listen to this song on long training runs for the (one) marathon and (many) half-marathons that I have run. The lyrics apply to how I feel right now:... Continue Reading →

Oh What a Day!

Data Structures Our lecture this morning was about two hours and fifteen minutes long. We looked at lists, dictionaries, and sets - under the hood. We learned about how they are implemented in Python (with an occasional nod to how these structures are implemented in Javascript) and their runtimes. We also learned about sequential data structures... Continue Reading →

Progress at a snail’s pace

Career  Coffee The career coffee this morning was about Career Day. In a way it is exciting, but yet at the same time surreal. Career Day is next Wednesday. My project is not Career Day ready!  Thankfully, we received lots of tips today about what to expect at Career Day, and it actually calmed me... Continue Reading →


Today's lecture was about recursion. I remember learning about recursion in college when I was taking an introductory computer science class. That class used LISP, which I did not think was a very beginner friendly (or modern) language. After today's lecture, I have a new respect for LISP - at least based on my faint... Continue Reading →

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