Watching Clouds….

My homework this week was to create a database schema, add some data from one of four sources, connect it to an AWS RDS instance using MySQL, and use the monitoring tools within AWS RDS to set up a CloudWatch dashboard to monitor the database.  Since I had some issues with my computer this week,... Continue Reading →


One thing that I like about SQL is the consistency. While there are several flavors, (e.g. Oracle, Microsoft, etc…) I can usually figure out the basics in whatever database I find myself using. Right now in my AWS database class, we are using cloud based relational databases, so SQL has entered my world again. It... Continue Reading →

Learning away from school

While I have continued to do my AWS class homework (AWS Educate has a ton of helpful resources, and I am officially enamored with the seeming simplicity of Sumerian), the past two weeks have also involved events where the learning was condensed into one day or several hours! Women Techmakers Google hosted an International Women's... Continue Reading →

AWS – Polly want a….

I know the title is cliche.... but my homework assignment this week for my AWS class involving using Amazon Polly. Prior to doing my homework, I had only heard that Polly existed, but I did not know anything about it. My experience with speech synthesis by computer started in elementary school. I used to write... Continue Reading →

AWS – I AM an AWS user….

Now that the new semester is in full swing, I am really glad that I decided to sign up for an AWS class. The first two weeks have mostly revolved around setting up our AWS accounts and doing background reading. In part, this is to allow for everyone in the class to get signed up... Continue Reading →

Angular Again

In school, I heard exactly one 90 minute lecture about Angular and that was it. We didn’t have any Angular lessons or homework and we were not encouraged to use it. Also,  HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery/JavaScript are powerful together, as are many other front-end JavaScript frameworks. I decided it was time to take another Angular... Continue Reading →

JavaScript Class Final Project

I finished my JavaScript class final project on December 17. Since design is a skill that I am working to improve, I decided to do something more front-end oriented. Due to the fact that the holidays were timely, as was enormous amounts of food, I decided to make a food holiday calendar. Essentially, a user... Continue Reading →

Shh…. math

I was at a party on Saturday night and a friend asked what type of math class I am taking. I said “Discrete Math.” In response, she said that she had never heard of it, and was going to Google it. Another friend said that she would not find it on Google because it was... Continue Reading →

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